Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Future of the Internet

The Future of the Internet: "bariswheel writes 'An important piece written by a Columbia Law professor addresses sensitive questions about the future of the Internet: 'Is it a problem if the gatekeepers (i.e. a duopoly of the local phone and cable companies) discriminate between favored and disfavored uses of the Internet? How would you take it if AT&T makes it slower and harder to reach Gmail and quicker and easier to reach Yahoo! mail? What if I-95 announced an exclusive deal with General Motors to provide a special 'rush-hour' lane for GM cars only? Is there something special about 'carriers' and infrastructure--roads, canals, electric grids, trains, the Internet--that mandates special treatment? Should content providers like Google, or subscribers like us, pay for the bandwidth consumed?' Here's hoping that sites like Google Techtalks and Channel 9 remain 'free' and available for the next 10 years.'



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